The Sol Stack Battery Warranty


  • Standard Warranty: 5 years, or 1,825 charge cycles
  • Extended Warranty: 10 years, or 3,650 charge cycles
  • If your battery fails, or fails to maintain at least 80% of its rated capacity before the end of the warranty period (years or charge cycles, whichever comes first), SOL STACK will replace any failed parts, with on-site service within 5 business days.
  • During the first half of the warranty period (the first 30 months for standard warranty, or the first 5 years for extended warranty), all warranty service is completely free.  During the second half of the warranty period, parts/cell replacement is free, with a $200 service charge.


Terms & Conditions:

1) QUALIFIED INSTALLATION. Warranty terms require installation by a certified SOL STACK technician.

2) PROPER CONFIGURATION. Improper configuration of connected equipment can cause over charging, or over discharging and damage the battery. This kind of damage is not covered by warranty. Proper configuration means:

a) Charge controller is adequate to handle lithium batteries - meaning that it can be set to charge only until the battery is full, and cease charging until the following day.

b) Maximum charge voltage to "full charge" does not exceed 3.4v per cell (13.6v for a 12v configuration, 27.2v for 24v configuration, 54.4v for 48v configuration).

c) Inverter is set to stop using the battery if the state of charge falls to 20%. 20% SOC is 3.2v per cell, meaning that the inverter is set to stop using the battery when voltage reaches 24v for 24v configuration, 48v for 48v configuration, etc. Discharging a Lithium battery below 20% damages the cells each time this occurs and shortens the lifespan of your battery. Discharging frequently below 20% will void your warranty.

3) MAXIMUM CURRENT/INVERTER CAPACITY. Using your SOL STACK battery with equipment that exceeds its rated current capacity can damage your battery. Your charge controller/solar panel array and inverter should not exceed the rated current capacity for your battery. Your battery has a fast blow fuse installed to prevent this type of damage. Your battery documentation will indicate it's rating. 

If your inverter, charge controller or other installed equipment exceed the current rating, or have a failure which causes the current rating to be exceeded, the battery's fuse will fail. In that event, you are liable for the cost of a service trip charge and replacement fuse to bring your battery back online.

4) WARRANTY ON EXPANSIONS Your SOL STACK battery can be expanded by adding capacity packs, within the first 500 days of installation. Additional CapacityPacks added later assume the same warranty dates as your original battery pack (example: Adding CapacityPacks 1 year after purchase of a SOL STACK battery, the added capacity will have 9 years of warranty).

5) TRANSFERABILITY: Your warranty goes with the installation, at the location installed. If the property location which the battery is installed at changes ownership, the new owner may register with SOL STACK and the warranty transfers to them.

6) MOVING THE BATTERY: Should you need to move your battery's location, either to another location at the same property, or to a different property, you MUST have a SOL STACK certified technician or distributor disassemble, move and re-connect the battery. Disassembling and moving the battery on your own can be dangerous, and cause damage to the battery if not done properly.

7) DISASSEMBLY / SERVICE: Should disassembly or service be necessary, it must be done by a SOL STACK certified technician or distributor. Disassembly of the battery by anyone other than a certified technician is potentially dangerous, and will void your warranty.

8) DISCONNECTING/RECONNECTION. In the event you replace a charge controller, inverter or other equipment that connects to the battery, this can be done by any electrician, but the load to the battery should be disconnected (ie, turn off disconnects from solar panels/charge controller, and turn off inverter) and then the battery's built in disconnect switch should be turned off BEFORE disconnecting cables from battery terminals (either at the battery or the connected equipment. Failure to properly unload and turn off the battery's disconnect before disconnecting cables from terminals can cause a dangerous (potentially deadly) short circuit condition and WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY.

9) 3RD PARY EQUIPMENT FAILURES. SOL STACK is not responsible for any failure of the battery caused by the failure of 3rd party equipment. Using quality, tested, industry standard inverters and charge controllers is important, as poorly designed equipment can potentially damage your battery or other equipment in your solar system.

10) CHANGES TO EQUIPMENT/EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION. If you change your inverter, charge controller or other equipment connected to the battery after installation of your battery, it is your responsibility to ensure that that equipment is properly configured to work with the battery. SOL STACK provides free phone/electronic technical support. We highly recommend that you and/or your technician changing the equipment or equipment configuration discuss the change with us and ensure that any changes will not have adverse effects on the battery. Changes to equipment or equipment configurations that cause damage to the battery are not the responsibility of SOL STACK and will void your warranty.

11) ACTS OF GOD. SOL STACK is not responsible for any damage to your battery as a result of adverse weather events, seismic events, or any "act of god".

12) PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO THE BATTERY. SOL STACK is not responsible for failure of your battery due to actual physical damage of the enclosure. It is your responsibility to select a location for install for your battery where it is safe from collision by vehicles, gardening tools, or any other item which could physically damage the enclosure.

13) POST INSTALL MONITORING - All SOL STACK batteries are bluetooth enabled. Your SOL STACK technician will guide you to install an app on your smart phone or other iOS or Android device. For 7 days after install you must send a screenshot of the main page of that app 2 times each day, once in the early morning and once in the afternoon/evening. This 7 day monitoring period is important as it allows us to identify any potential problems in the configuration. Failure to comply with post install monitoring for this 7 day period can void your warranty. If a problem is detected, a SOL STACK technician will either visit you to resolve it, or work with you over electronic communications to adjust settings in your inverter/charge controller to resolve it (if it can be resolved remotely). Every 30 days thereafter, you should check to be sure that the battery has not been depleted below 20% state of charge in the early morning, and that it charges fully by late afternoon, and notify SOL STACK if a problem is detected.